Open AI ChatGPT explains docker containers in eminem style

I asked OpenAI’s chatGPT to explain to me what a docker is but in the Eminem style and I was (not) surprised!!

Upon an inspiration from a Twitter thread, I decided to test it out and asked OpenAI’s chatGPT to explain to me what a docker is but in the Eminem style.

and here you go…

Yo, let me break it down for you, Docker’s like a rapper on the mic, It’s got its own flow, its own style, It’s the container king, ain’t no denying it,

With Docker, you can package up your code, Like a verse that you wrote, And run it anywhere, anytime, On any machine, without a hitch,

It’s lightweight, fast, and efficient, It’s the go-to tool for developers, And with its power and versatility, It’s the MVP of the tech world,

So if you want to rock the container scene, Docker’s the way to go, It’ll keep your code tight and your deployments smooth, It’s the champ, the king, the OG.

Upon asking to create a new version, it replied with a different docker song 😉

Yo, listen up, I’m gonna drop some knowledge on you About this thing called Docker, it’s something you should know too It’s a containerization tool, a way to run apps in a virtual environment It’s like a little house for your code, a place for it to reside in

You see, with Docker, you can package up your app And run it on any machine, it’s super rad It’s fast and efficient, no need to install dependencies Just pull the image and go, it’s a breeze, you’ll see

But that’s not all, Docker’s got some other tricks up its sleeve You can use it to deploy your apps, it’s a breeze to leave The old way behind, no more struggling with servers and such Just run your app in a container, it’s not even a hassle to touch

So if you’re a developer, or just want to try out some new tech Give Docker a shot, I think you’ll find it to be the best It’s easy to use, and the benefits are clear Just give it a chance, and you’ll be glad you did, my dear

Here is the original docker song shared by the twitter user –

I am very sure and so will be you that upon asking continously, it will spin up few dozens if not hundreds different versions of this docker song in eminem style. Enjoy !!

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